These Terms and Conditions, bind the user and Intent Cliq into a mutual agreement to abide by the terms mentioned herein. We reserve the right to change or modify the terms and conditions based on the current trends; it is your responsibility to review this page at least once a month to keep a look out for updates. The easiest way to identify changes made, without having to read the entire rulebook, is to take a note of the “Last Updated Date”.

  • The services we provide are on an “As-Is” and “As-Available” basis.
  • The information provided on the site (including videos, case studies, etc.…) must not be copied, distributed or showcased on your personal blogs without our consent. Using any information on our site for public display will require our permission in the first place.
  • We have certain third-party links mentioned on our site that may take you to an external site when clicked on. We do not take any responsibility for the security of information shared on third party forms since we do not have any access to them.
  • You are prohibited from using auto-bots or codes to access information from our database. We have the rights to take legal actions if we find it inappropriate.
  • If you use our forms to input false information time and again, we have the right to block you from visiting our site thereafter.
  • We do not support businesses with illegal intent. Users trying to contact us for such unruly business opportunity will not be answered to.
  • We shall not be responsible for any acts or delays caused by conditions beyond our control (this includes strikes, lockouts, natural calamities, pandemics, etc.…)
  • All copyrights, trademarks and logos displayed on the site come under our 100% ownership. If you detect any issues with the content, images or data displayed on our site; we assure it was totally unintentional and necessary changes will be done on notification.

By using our services, you agree to abide by our terms and Conditions

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